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James T. Lang

Of Counsel

James T. Lang


Jim Lang is an attorney and former COO of the firm.  He focuses his practice on protecting Virginians who live, work and play on the water, especially in proceedings before the Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC).  虽然他经常处理滨水(河岸财产)法的各个方面,海事 & admiralty law, and environmental law, clients consistently turn to Jim when they need help at the VMRC. 他对这一领域的强烈关注使他比那些在这一领域不那么熟练的人具有主要的竞争优势, which consistently benefits his clients.

Jim established the firm's waterfront law practice group, along with a separate website devoted to waterfront (riparian) property rights law, maritime and admiralty law, and environmental law. Please click here to visit his waterfront law website. 

A published author whose numerous articles cover a variety of waterfront law topics, he is also a frequent guest speaker at legal and business conferences and seminars.

Before joining the firm in 2005, Jim completed a 25-year career in the U.S. 海军从一名E-1消防员新兵开始,最后成为一名O-5指挥官,其中包括16年的美国海军陆战队队员.S. Navy JAG Attorney. He served as Law Clerk for the Honorable Henry Coke Morgan, Jr. of the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Virginia from 2002-2003.

代表面临《现金网官网》民事执行诉讼的住宅土地所有者,里士满市要求他们支付32美元的民事罚款,500美元,并要求他们在他们的财产上安装新的植物,费用超过150美元,000.  该案件于2017年初得到解决,纽约市撤销了违规通知,这对我们的客户有利, dropped the demand for monetary civil penalty, 并接受了客户的景观设计方案,而不是要求市政府设计更昂贵的景观设计方案. (2017) 

起草了弗吉尼亚海岸主要沙丘和海滩法案的修正案,该法案由弗吉尼亚议会颁布成为法律. (2017)

代表一家家族企业,该企业在诺福克拥有一块7英亩的土地(价值600万美元), on the Elizabeth River, 一个邻居用一个由26艘船组成的漂浮垃圾场堵塞了水路. 在联邦法院起诉一公民环境诉讼,迫使邻居将浮动垃圾场从河中移除,从而消除了对客户河岸财产权的所有干扰. 307 Campostella, LLC v. Timothy S. Mullane, civil action no. 2:15-cv-224 (E.D. Va. 2016).

设计并说服弗吉尼亚海滩市议会通过一项计划,使桑德布里奇的海滨物业所有者能够使用, Virginia to remove beach sand that inundated their homes, free of prosecution by the Wetlands Board, 并符合弗吉尼亚海岸原始沙丘和海滩法案的要求. (2016)

代表一家中等规模的暖通空调承包商,在员工故意向大气中释放30-40磅R22制冷剂后对公司进行风险管理, 《现金网官网》第六章规定的平流层臭氧保护制度所禁止的行为, and the implementing regulations promulgated by EPA. (2016)

代表一家家族企业,该企业在切萨皮克拥有一块3英亩的土地,该土地被财富500强企业的租户严重污染,这些租户在其30年的占用过程中,在土壤和地下水中处理了金属和碳氢化合物. 迫使租客清理环境污染,并赔偿房东因污名造成的物业贬值. (2015)

说服美国陆军工程兵团撤销其已授予的许可证(根据《现金网官网》),该许可证未经批准,在一个活跃的水体中央建立了一个600英尺长的系泊系统,该水体正对着客户的商业工业产权.  The proposed mooring system, if installed, would have driven the client's waterfront enterprises out of business.  After persuading the USACE to rescind the permit, 我们说服了弗吉尼亚海洋现金网官网委员会的工作人员反对这个项目, causing the applicant to withdraw the application and abandon the project. (2015)

代表公路建筑商建立一个32英亩的场外设施,以减轻公路建设项目对河岸造成的影响. (2014)

在诺福克湿地委员会的诉讼中,代表因破坏600平方英尺无植被湿地而被起诉的滨水土地所有者. (2013)

协助贷款人按照《现金网官网》的规定,对被收回的海湾前住宅进行拆除和重建. (2013)

作为首席律师为拥有钦科蒂格大桥的政府实体就贝壳渔民提出的1000万美元索赔进行辩护,后者声称大桥的建设破坏了钦科蒂格湾的贝类养殖场.  在美国进行了18个月的诉讼后,此案以有利的条件得到了解决.S. District Court and in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.  American Bridge v. James Young, civil action no. 2:08-cv-316 (E.D. Va. 2008), appeal filed, no 09-1458 (4th Cir. 2009).

  • 2004-2010年,诺福克,弗吉尼亚州律师协会,第二地区小组委员会,前小组委员会副主委
  • Virginia Bar Association
  • Norfolk-Portsmouth Bar Association
  • Virginia Beach Bar Association
  • Leaders in the Law, 2017
  • Coastal Virginia's Top Lawyers, Environment Land Use, 2016-2024
  • Virginia’s Legal Elite, Environmental Law, 2015-2023
  • Yucca Valley High School Hall of Fame, 2017
  • Boy Scouts of America, Distinguished Service Award, 2012
  • The Up Center, Mentor since 2012
  • Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce, Past Chesapeake Division Executive Committee and Past Board Member
  • Kemp Woods Civic League, Board Member and General Counsel
  • Boy Scouts of America Bayside District, Past Chairman
  • Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities, Past Board Member
  • 授权汉普顿路运输工作队,过去的志愿者和总法律顾问
James T. Lang Of Counsel Pender & Coward, P.C. Phone / Fax: (757) 502-7326